Sunday, September 8, 2019

Aspect Of The Decision Making Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aspect Of The Decision Making Process - Essay Example The survey included young students on whom the study had been conducted. All of them were job applicants and the results obtained reveals attractiveness as an important aspect of the decision making process in various organizations, especially attractiveness has great effect on the recruitment process of an organization and the effect is both positive and negative. The key prediction for this study stated that for job interviews, people on the recruitment panel will highly prefer attractive candidates of the opposite sex while high chances are there that they would reject extremely attractive candidate of the same sex. For the present study the researcher took the help of primary data collection technique. In case of a primary research, the researcher who is trying to gather data and relevant insights focus on information gathering mostly through the process of usage of a survey instrument like a questionnaire or an interview. A quantitative research methodology was applied to the st udy. It was found that a quantitative method would be suitable for the study since in this kind of research the researcher tries to observe and measure the effect and influence of the assumed variables on the main theme that is supposed to be covered by the research topic. Statistical methods of analysis have been employed for analyzing the data collected. The study included 223 female respondents and 162 male participants and their Mean age was 23 for females and 24 for males. These respondents were asked to evaluate and select a job applicant out of four applicants on the basis of their CV to which photo of the candidate had been attached. Even though it was evident from the CV that all the candidates were evenly competent for the position, their physical appearance influenced their selection to a great extent. It was found that the respondents evaluating an applicant of the opposite gender exhibited positive favoritism that can be expected for the extremely eye-catching applicant s and subsequently they were more often recommended for the job position. On contrary, the respondents evaluating a candidate of the opposite sex demonstrated the exactly opposite trait i.e. displaying a negative prejudice towards the good looking applicants of the same sex. This prototype was intervened partly by the longing for social touch with the applicants i.e. the respondents was more prone towards working with and befriending the attractive applicant of the opposite sex. The given illustration shows the results obtained from the study- Males and females were equally inclined towards negative preference against striking samples of their own gender. The resultant size for the negative bias was .50 and .39 for male and female respondents respectively. The desire for social interaction reveals .61 and .43 for the men and women respectively. Study2 The exploration was continued in the second study but with a different scenario. This time the candidates were evaluated by the respo ndents not for a job interview but for the application procedure for admission into their universities. For This study instead of static photographs, virtual videotaped interviews in a laboratory setting. In this study a sum of 265 students of psychology comprising 108 male and 157 female were employed in a university campus on the basis of the same criteria as was considered for the first study. In order to control the sex and the attractiveness of the university aspirant, a mock graduate enrollment Interview was displayed in which specialized actors appeared as the interviewer and the applicant. The participants were not allowed to know the purpose of the study. Results

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